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“The Digital Landscape” Response…

I found it most interesting that Vannevar Bush started out his article by pointing out that this is a “war” we have all played a part in. Also, the editor points out, “inventions have extended man’s physical powers rather than the powers of his mind.”
— I find these two statements to be most interesting because I see them as being completely valid. When dealing with advancements in the digital era, everyone plays a part. Whether we completely agree or disagree, we are all playing a part. It is not something that one can simply ignore. Also, the advancements of the digital era have made it easier to physically advance almost everyone but not necessarily advance everyone mentally.
–Three potential historical topics that I may be interested in researching throughout the semester are anything regarding mythology and the way the stories have been created and passed down, Asian cultures in relations to their ancestors and they way those stories were kept and passed down, as well as the history of the physical library and it’s expected life span.

~ by smallstaturebigdreams on January 27, 2013 . Tagged:

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